29 July, 2017
Do I Regret Getting an Apple Watch?
Bit of a cheat because I didn’t buy mine. It was a gift from my boss for doing well on a particular project however…
Writer, photographer, blogger
29 July, 2017
Bit of a cheat because I didn’t buy mine. It was a gift from my boss for doing well on a particular project however…
23 March, 2016
In our modern technological age, we are finding ourselves logged into our computers, phones and tablets almost from the moment we get up to the moment we go to bed. Various companies capitalise on this to sell us computers that allow us to be connected for longer, with more power to get things done faster, in a bid to improve our productivity and justify the large costs of these products. Coupled to this, we as consumers always want the latest and greatest of everything and as such with every new iPhone or Android device that comes out, we queue for days on end to be one of the first to get our hands on this new tech.
7 February, 2016
Welcome to the first post of 2016. hopefully the first of many. A lot has happened “in the real world” that I shan’t bore you with, but the main point is I should have some more time to post rather interesting posts on very interesting things.
26 July, 2015
I first came across David Eddings quite by chance while browsing the fantasy section of my local library as a 14 year old and I was instantly hooked. The book in question, The Pawn of Prophecy, had a very laid back easy to read style of writing that is enjoyable to read by those of all ages, without ever feeling like a children’s book. It is still one of the first books I ever suggest to friends and family, especially for the younger reader. The Diamond Throne however is an entirely different animal.